
Fastlane is a set of ruby tooling to make mobile development suck a lot less. I use it to automate a lot of the shitty parts of iOS development.


Fastlane Scan essentially wraps xcodebuild | xcpretty, with additional properties.


  • the -s flag specifies a scheme to use when building and running tests
  • the -q flag allows you to specify the configuration to use when building the app.
  • the -a flag allows you to specify a device to run the tests on
  • the --only_testing allows you to specify a list of test bundles to run. It takes a comma-separated list of strings (e.g. fastlane scan --only_testing "foo,bar,baz")


Fastlane Notarize handles the mac app notarization process. As of macOS Catalina, you need to notarize apps in order to not get a scary warning about how Apple can’t check the app for malicious code.

There’s a bit of setup here, especially for those, like me, who are unfamiliar with distributing mac apps. The release configuration needs to be signed with a developer ID (this can be generated from Fastlane Match with the developer_id type).

Once you have an App bundle built and correctly signed, you can call notarize with the path to the package, the build id of the package, and the username of the apple id to sign it with. Additionally, you need to create an application specific password for that apple id, and set that to the FASTLANE_APPLE_APPLICATION_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD environment variable. Do this even if you have the App Store Connect API key set up. For example, this is what you could have in your Fastfile: notarize(package: "$PACKAGE_PATH", bundle_id: "$BUNDLE_ID", username: "$APPLE_ID")

Hopefully, it should work! If you run into any issues, then you can set the print_log and verbose flags to true to get logs out. Also be sure to call fastlane with the --verbose flags. Yes, you need both for notarize. At this point, it’s not very well integrated with the rest of Fastlane

Last updated: 2021-12-11 11:36:24 -0800