
Encoded as latitude/longitude. I look forward to the day when humans can specify planet and have that actually have meaning in most people’s everyday lives.

This stackoverflow answer describes an excellent way to describe what decimal degrees signifies (on Earth), reproduced:

DigitAccuracy DenotedExplanation
SignIndicates which part of the globe we’re on
HundredsUsing longitude, not latitude
Tens1000 kmUseful for indicating continent or ocean
Ones111 kmLarge state/Country
0.1 (Tenth)11.1 kmDistinguishing cities
0.01 (Hundredth)1.1 kmDistinguishing villages
0.001 (Thousandth)110 mLarge agricultural field or institutional campus
0.0001 (Ten-Thousandth, 1e-4)11 mA parcel of land. It is comparable to the typical accuracy of an uncorrected GPS unit with no interference.
Fifth-Decimal (1e-5)1.1 mDistinguishing trees from each other. Accuracy to this level with commercial GPS units can only be achieved with differential correction.
Sixth-Decimal (1e-6)0.11 myou can use this for laying out structures in detail, for designing landscapes, building roads. It should be more than good enough for tracking movements of glaciers and rivers. This can be achieved by taking painstaking measures with GPS, such as differentially corrected GPS.
Seventh-Decimal (1e-7)11 mmthis is good for much surveying and is near the limit of what GPS-based techniques can achieve.
Eight-Decimal (1e-8)1.1 mmCharting motions of tectonic plates and movements of volcanoes. Permanent, corrected, constantly-running GPS base stations might be able to achieve this level of accuracy.
Ninth-Decimal (1e-9)11 micronsFor almost any conceivable application with earth positions, this is overkill and will be more precise than the accuracy of any surveying device.
10+ Decimal (1e-10)Indicates that a computer/calculator used without regard for the fact that this level of detail is meaningless.

Last updated: 2019-12-30 17:13:52 -0800