
Really nice, convenient, and powerful programming language.


Lightweight DSL for creating simple webapps.

Static files

Sinatra serves up static files from the ./public directory. This can be changed with: set :public_filder, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/static'.

Note that the public name is not included in the URL - e.g. the file at ./public/foo/bar would be at http://server/foo/bar.

Rendering stuff

When inside of a URL pattern, you can render an erb with:

get '/' do
    erb :index # Renders and returns the .erb file at views/index.erb


rspec is the original BDD testing framework.

Asserting json

Turns out, that if you do something like expect(JSON.parse '{"foo": "bar"}').to eq({"foo": "bar"}), you’ll get a really confusing failure, something like expected to equal {:foo => "bar}", got {"foo" => "bar"}. Which is really confusing, until you remember that ruby automatically converts string keys to symbols in hashes. However, the json module doesn’t do this unless you tell it to. So, the correct way to do this is to add symbolize_names: true to your call, like so:

expect(JSON.parse('{"foo": "bar"}', symbolize_names: true)).to eq({"foo": "bar"})

which passes as it should.

Last updated: 2020-06-12 16:34:13 -0700