
On iOS, a UITableView is a subclass of a UIScrollView. While I understand why this is the case (99% of the time, you want a scrolling tableview), I’ve been starting to think that the OSX/cocoa approach of having them be separate classes is actually a better approach. But, I can see that this might have made the implementation of UITableView much easier to just always assume it’s in a ScrollView.

Refresh Control

It used to be that you had to use a UITableViewController and it’s refreshControl property to get a pull to refresh behavior. This is no longer the case. As of iOS 10, you can set UIScrollView's refreshControl property to get a refresh control on any scrollview (and any subclass). Of course, on earlier versions of the OS, you can also add the refreshcontrol as a subview of the scrollview, and it’ll still work. This is a much more explicit way to do that.

Dismiss keyboard on scroll

The old (pre iOS 7) way of dismissing the keyboard when you scroll is to use UIScrollViewDelegate methods to be notified when the scrollview scrolled, and then call -resignFirstResponder from the scrollview.

The new way is to set the keyboardDismissMode property to either .onDrag on .interactive

Last updated: 2020-06-07 16:24:37 -0700